Supernatural love

Ok I will admit it, I’m a God addict. Eternity has well and truly been put in my heart and it seems there is nothing I can do about it. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Now I’ve clarified that let me carry on. I was watching a christian T.V. programme and it was on the topic of dreams, dreams God gives us while we sleep. The woman being interviewed explained she had began having dreams after she had what she felt was a time when she couldn’t hear Holy Spirit and she was asking God if it was true we go through periods in our life when He is silent. His answer to her was to highlight dreams and she realized she just hadn’t recognized Him speaking to her through them.
I personally have never had a God dream that I’m aware of, until the night after I watched the T.V interview. Weird but cool. Like I say I crave to hear my Father God and however He wants to speak to me, He is welcome. Over the years I’ve learnt to recognize His voice and He will speak to me through the bible, or a song or movie, in nature and art, or in a still small voice and often in pictures in my mind. I’m a naturally visual person. I often dream but it seems they originate from myself, my mind unravelling or they could be from the cheese I ate. But that night I distinctly remembered two very short vivid dreams. In the first dream I was driving a car and it was dark. Right in front of me in the distance a forked lightening bolt stuck the ground, the brilliance of it flashing in the black sky. I went to the place where it had hit and there in the hole caused by the lightening bolt was a dead cat.
In the second dream my hairdresser dyed my hair a bright orange colour, I didn’t like it and felt extremely uncomfortable. I said, to her, “It’s not natural”. This was strange because usually my dreams are long and confusing but these were short and clear. I remember telling my husband about them and wondering. Later that day in worship I saw the lightening bolt and I asked God, “I really don’t get the dead cat, what does it mean?” The lightening bolt I understood as symbolizing the power of God. Lightening and thunder are pictured in the book of revelation surrounding God’s throne. I didn’t hear him speak so I asked again about the dead cat (sometimes we need to be persistent). Then I heard this, “I’m killing the pussy cat in you.” In New Zealand we have a saying, ’Scaredy cat, pussy cat’, it means you are afraid. In that moment I realized God wanted to deal to fear in me. And it will be His power that does that. It was a defining moment for me and I became unstuck there in His presence, crying out and groaning as my spirit responded to Him.
The second dream did not get revealed so dramatically, I pondered on it for a number of days. The orange hair stuck in my mind. Now here is where it gets interesting. I remembered a character in the movie, The Fifth Element who had orange hair, named Leeloo and played by Milla Jovovich. It is revealed in the final scenes of the movie that she is a actually a weapon, she is divine love. My orange hair represented divine love. In my dream I was uncomfortable with it. I took this to mean I’m uncomfortable with divine love, it isn’t normal, it stands out. And that’s exactly the nature of God’s love, it is not natural, it is supernatural and it goes against the natural things of this world. God’s love for us meant Jesus went to the cross.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Jesus said, “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again. No-one takes it from me but I lay it down of my own accord.” John 10:17-18
Evil did not put Jesus on the cross, Love did. Jesus choose to go to the cross. Love was the plan the whole time. God made us and loves us and when we messed up God had a plan to restore us and His love brings us back. Why exactly Jesus needed to go to the cross is another part of the story and one we can explore another time. The summary of my two dreams can be found in 1 John 4:18-19.
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. And we love because He first loved us.”
Parts of me have not been perfected by love, I obviously in my unconscious still think God is out to punish me. When I truly receive all His love fear will go. This perfect love of God stands out in the world, it runs against the current. God’s love is supernatural, it stands out, it’s NOT natural. Holy Spirit is showing me my reluctance, my insecurity concerning myself as a woman of supernatural love. Holy Spirit help!
God is love. 1 John 4:16.
So if God is love let’s put it this way: God is patient, God is kind, He does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud, He is not rude, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil, but He rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. God never fails. 1 Corinthinians 13:4-8.
Love is the fulfillment of the law, as I walk in this supernatural way of love, I will stand out in the world. Am I ready? No. Can I do it by myself ? No. My Father has offered me the challenge. He will kill fear in me and give me the power to walk in supernatural love. God please come and love me first, I need help. Make me comfortable in this walk of love.